NY Style Pizza Dough, Homemade Pizza Sauce, and Duxtop Review
I have the privilege of partnering with another fantastic company called Secura. They are a household appliance manufacturer that produces top of the line household products. Specifically I am demoing their Duxtop Induction Cooktop.
Induction cooktops use an electromagnetic field to heat up a pan while leaving the cooking surface cool to the touch and without heating the air around the cooktop. It's much safer and more energy efficient than either gas or electric cooking.
Here are some of the benefits of induction cooking:
Faster: Because energy is directly transferred within the pan metal, cooking on an electric induction range is extremely fast - even faster than gas.
Safer: Electric induction cooktops are much safer than gas or other electric surfaces, since there is no open flame, red-hot coil or other radiant heat source to ignite fumes or flammable materials.
Cleaner: With no grates or grease catch to worry about, clean up is a breeze. Just use a damp cloth and wipe over the flat, easy-to-clean surface.
Cooler: Traditional gas or electric ranges waste up to (and usually more) than half the heat they generate. The waste heats the kitchen instead of the food and contributes massively to structural cooling costs. With an electric induction range, almost no ambient heat is produced, since all the heat is being generated in the pan itself.
Cheaper: Induction cooking is far more energy efficient than gas or traditional electric ranges. In fact, when using an electric induction cooktop, 90% of every dollar you spend on energy goes right where you want it - in the pan! Gas delivers only 55% to the pan and traditional electric about 65%. In addition, when you remove the pan from the induction cooking surface, the induction cooktop immediately goes into standby mode, which uses almost no energy whatsoever.
This is a pretty cool picture. The Induction cooktop surface remains completely cool while the pan gets hot and cooks half the egg.
Over the weekend my wife wanted me to make pizza on Sunday. Saturday I decided to make my pizza dough so it could proof for a day. Then I figured this would be the perfect time to make homemade pizza sauce in my Fagor Pressure Cooker and give the induction cooktop a try. It actually turned out to be a great combination because the cooktop brought the pressure cooker up to pressure really quickly and it was a lot cooler in my kitchen (especially since I had the pressure cooker going for about 45 minutes).
Another advantage to the Duxtop specifically is it has a built in timer and you can set the temperature by either power level or degree level. I really liked the timer feature though cause I could just basically set it and forget it. Highly recommend picking one up, especially if you have a smaller kitchen or apartment. On to the Recipes!